[Review] The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy …

The other children never let Brie Boy play … but at least he went well with a nice Chardonnay

Basic Facts

Author: Tim Burton
Full Title: The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy & Other Stories
ISBN: 9780060526498
Publisher: It Books


Basically, it’s hard to sum it up. The book contains lyrical short stories, some shorter, some longer. All of them are highly creative, bittersweet (that’s how Burton is, usually) and touching. At the same time, there is this distinct humor to them, also typical for Tim Burton. To cut the long story short: It’s funny, it’s witty, it’s bittersweet and these are outcasts you really learn to love! If it’s Mummy Boy or Oyster Boy, they don’t fit in this world, suffer, and as funny as the stories might be, you’ll pity them.

My opinion

In my opinion, hence that I’m a huge fan of Tim Burton, this is completely and utterly amazing. I admit it, I am a bit of a fangirl, but this is really a great book.
The stories Burton tells are fascinating, full of his typical imagination and very reminiscent of his typical works. It’s an amazing book, certainly a good read. Burton tells about Oyster Boy, who faces a tragic fate, the robot child who makes his parents very sad, and so many more. His characters are colourful, lovable, but the do not fit into our world with all it’s categories. Despite their loveliness (and I really liked the robot child.), all the stories are bittersweet.
Adding up to that are the drawings, Burton’s own ones, which illustrate all the stories quite beautifully.

You like Burton’s films? Good. You like bittersweet things? Good, too. Basically, if you find anything in Burton’s work, even if it’s just the atmosphere, get a move on and buy this book! It’s worth the money.
And, if you own it, sit down, eat some chocolate (preferably dark, or bittersweet) and enjoy this wonderful book. I promise, it’s worth it!

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